Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Best of November!

This is most definitely my favorite photo so far this year! I was just outside and took it, and with a little editing it turned out like this.  
This is one of my other favorites. I really like how it is abstract and at first you might not know what it is! I also love all the colors that are in it, and how they pop!
I picked this one for a reason I don't really know. I just like the picture itself. It is a close up to part of a snowshoe that my great uncle made my dad and it is hanging in our house!
I love the sunset so that is why I posted this picture! This was one of the last pictures I took before the sun was gone. I also love the reflections of the sun that are present in this photograph. 
This is my final "Best of November" I like the fact that the water drop and the end of the tree branch are the only two items that are in focus! 

Monday, November 26, 2012

CD Case

Front Cover
Inside Cover
Back Cover

In my photography class we pick a genre of music out of a bowl and had to make up a CD Case for the  style of music we had. I got disco which I was excited to have! It is a style of music with a ton of movement that goes along with it. I thought the best way to represent this type of music is the disco ball along with the bright lights that reflect off the disco ball. I was thankful that a couple people I know had the things I needed to take the pictures of. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Open Theme 3!

I love the color that is in this picture, all the rusty looking colors. I like how the ice is over the barrel. In the picture I made the colors pop more then when the picture was taken.
Aperture:f 2.8
Shutter Speed:1/30
Focal Length:4.6mm
I love all the texture you see in the picture, from the wood to the leaves and also he barb wire fence. There are also a on of lines and patterns in the photograph. I think it could possibly be better if I had gotten more of the fence post in the picture.
Aperture:f 2.8
Shutter Speed:1/30
Focal Length:5.9mm

In this photograph I really like how focused you are art the twig and frozen water drop, and the background is a blur. This way you aren't focused on the background it's just the subject you see.
Aperture:f 4.0
Shutter Speed:1/30
Focal Length:13.4mm

Friday, November 9, 2012

Professional Photographers

The first photographer I picked was Kurt Ross. I picked him because of how unique his photos look to me. At first they look like they were painting that he painted witch I thought was interesting, and the fact that most of the pictures were taken out side drew me in even more. I can relate to his work because it is mostly outside, nature objects, and that it was I enjoy talking pictures of. I think it is an emotional connection because it is outside and he enjoys that and so do I .
Here are two examples of his work:

The next photographer is John MacLean. I like his pictures because they are more real, not as edited as my other photographer. The reason I picked him is because he has a large variety in his work, form nature to people, or from black and white to food. I can relate to the fact that he does nature and that subject matter, but I don't think I could take pictures of food or buildings. I think I again connect with an emotional because of the outdoors photos that he does. 
Two examples are:

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


For an assignment for my photography class we had to find texture. I we looking around my house and found a snowshoe that my great uncle had made my dad and took the picture of only to leather part of the shoe. I do not think that there is any secondary subjects in the picture.
Aperture:f 3.5
Shutter Speed:1/30
Focal Length:10.3

Next I found this piece of rope that we use as molding in the living room in my house. i cropped this picture so that the rope would be the only subject in my picture.
Aperture:f 2.8
Shutter Speed:1/30
Focal Length:4.6
This is the picture of the wall in my house. When my mom was painting our house she use a duster to paint the feathery designs on the wall. There is no secondary subjects.
Aperture:f 2.8
Shutter Speed:1/24
Focal Length:4.6mm

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Best of, well so far!

I picked this one for my best of because I love the detail you get from the pine comb. I also like how there are only several green pieces of grass with the pine comb. 
I picked this picture because it is something I love. I also like the fact that it goes from focused to unfocused. I also like how the lines lead you across the volleyball net.
I chose this one because I like how the leaf and the background are identical in color, but the leaf still pops out and is still the subject in the picture,.
I love the sly in this picture and how the sun is almost out of the picture, but still seen. I also like how the trees are colorless. 
I picked this one because of how simple it is. I also like the pattern you see in the picture. 

Re-edited, But Just As Great!

Compared to the first and the second one I straightened the picture, made it a little brighter, covered up some of the scuff marks,and covered up the writing on the volleyball.
The only thing I did to this picture was put it into black and white. I think this picture is great either way.
With this picture I cropped it in a bit of a different way, also made the colors stand out more.