Wednesday, October 31, 2012


For class we had to do a reflection shooting assignment. I like how the trees reflected off the water. I wish there would have been more colors involved in this picture.
Aperture:f 6.3
Shutter Speed:1/60
Focal Length:16.9mm
Again I like the trees reflecting off the water, and this one has more of a verity in colors. Maybe if i could have gotten more of the trees and less of the beach it would have been better.
Aperture:f 5.0
Shutter Speed:1/60
Focal Length:37.7mm

I like how the fallen leaves are apart of the picture and you can also see the reflection of the tree in which they could have fallen from. Again the brown leave are boring so maybe if there was more color.
Aperture:f 3.2
Shutter Speed:1/80
Focal Length:9.41mm

1 comment:

  1. Finally!!!! That bottom one is great-maybe a little tweak of contrast can pull more out?
