Monday, October 8, 2012


I picked this picture because I like the fact that she is looking toward the camera, but she isn't focused on the fact that she is getting her picture taken. I love just the color of the picture in general. I wish the bubble was more clear.
Aperture: f 13.0
Shutter Speed:1/320
Focal Length:55mm
I picked this picture because I like the blue of the background, and the how the bubbles are going up and away. The angle of the picture is another component of the picture that made me pick this picture! I think if there was more of her face in the picture would make it better.
Aperture:f 7.1
Shutter Speed:1/500
Focal Length:33mm
This picture is one of my favorites! I like it in Black and White and how the sun is on her face. I also like how the picture is right on her face. I think if I could get rid of the sun circle around her mouth so you can't see it. 
Aperture:f 13.0
Shutter Speed:1/200
Focal length:36mm
I picked this picture because I like the sun in the background, and how you see the other bubble reflections of the original bubble!
Aperture:f 14.0
Shutter Speed:1/320
Focal Length:35mm

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