Wednesday, October 31, 2012


I picked these three pictures because I thought they showed the most contrast in the lighting of different times of the day. All of the subjects are taken by the lake in Hatfield, WI. I think that evening light is the best. I think it is the best because it is the most dramatic of all the lighting, but also it can take away from the more important subjects if there are any. I think that mid-day night is the worst because it has no special effect on the picture. 
Picture 1: Morning
Aperture:f 5.0
Focal Length:11.8mm
Shutter Speed:1/60
Picture 2: Mid-Day
Aperture:f 5.0
Focal Length:4.6mm
Shutter Speed:1/60
Picture 3: Evening
Aperture:f 5.0
Focal Length:120mm
Shutter Speed:1/60


For class we had to do a reflection shooting assignment. I like how the trees reflected off the water. I wish there would have been more colors involved in this picture.
Aperture:f 6.3
Shutter Speed:1/60
Focal Length:16.9mm
Again I like the trees reflecting off the water, and this one has more of a verity in colors. Maybe if i could have gotten more of the trees and less of the beach it would have been better.
Aperture:f 5.0
Shutter Speed:1/60
Focal Length:37.7mm

I like how the fallen leaves are apart of the picture and you can also see the reflection of the tree in which they could have fallen from. Again the brown leave are boring so maybe if there was more color.
Aperture:f 3.2
Shutter Speed:1/80
Focal Length:9.41mm

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Animal Morph

For an assignment in my photography class we had to take a picture of yourself, and another picture of an animal. I took a picture of a bob cat and a bear that I had in my house and replaced the eyes and mouth on both of the animals. I really liked this assignment because we got to be creative and it was really fun to do!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Your Gonna Miss This, Your Gonna Want This Back...

This is just a post of my last year of volleyball, I'm going to most defiantly going to miss the game, the friendships, these girls, the bounds we have all formed, and just all of it! 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I picked this one because I thought it was a great example of a pattern. I think one thing that could make it better is if there could be more color variety in the picture. I was just a picture of a folder.
Aperture:f 3.2
Shutter Speed:1/30
Focal Length:8.2mm
I like this picture in black and white rather then in color. This is a wall of my grandpas barn and I loved the pattern it has.
Aperture:f 4.5
Shutter Speed:1/40
ISO: 3200
Focal Length:32mm
This is another example of a pattern that I liked. I really liked the contrast of colors that are present in this photograph. I think if there was more to the pattern it would be more interesting. 
Aperture:f 5.0
Shutter Speed:1/60
Focal Length:120mm
I like this picture because it is a little plan but it is also interesting at the same time. Maybe if the color wasn't grey, i would be more interesting. 
Aperture:f 3.2
Focal Length:7.3mm
Shutter Speed:1/60

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Replace the Sky

For my Photography class we had to take pictures of the sky, and crop and put them into a different picture. In the first one, the  original, I thought they sky was boring so, I took different picture were I like the sky and put it in the picture.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Lines, Lines, And More Lines.

One assignment for my school Photography class was lines. We had vertical, curved, diagonal, and horizontal.  I picked these because I thought they were the ones that portrayed the specific lines the best.
We also had to do a leading lines. This makes you look up the up the tree to the top of the tree. This was one of my better leading lines pictures.
Aperture:f 5.0
Shutter Speed:1/80
Focal Length:43mm

Monday, October 8, 2012


I picked this picture because I like the fact that she is looking toward the camera, but she isn't focused on the fact that she is getting her picture taken. I love just the color of the picture in general. I wish the bubble was more clear.
Aperture: f 13.0
Shutter Speed:1/320
Focal Length:55mm
I picked this picture because I like the blue of the background, and the how the bubbles are going up and away. The angle of the picture is another component of the picture that made me pick this picture! I think if there was more of her face in the picture would make it better.
Aperture:f 7.1
Shutter Speed:1/500
Focal Length:33mm
This picture is one of my favorites! I like it in Black and White and how the sun is on her face. I also like how the picture is right on her face. I think if I could get rid of the sun circle around her mouth so you can't see it. 
Aperture:f 13.0
Shutter Speed:1/200
Focal length:36mm
I picked this picture because I like the sun in the background, and how you see the other bubble reflections of the original bubble!
Aperture:f 14.0
Shutter Speed:1/320
Focal Length:35mm


I picked this one with the dark tree and the bright yellow leaves around it because I thought it was a good contrast of colors. I like how bright the color yellow is in the picture. I think if the leaves maybe had some more reds and oranges in the picture it would have looked better.
Aperture:f 5.6
Shutter Speed:1/30
Focal Length:24.8mm
I chose this photo because I like how you look all the way down the trail and then the trail curves and it make you  think of what is down the trail. I wish the trail was longer.
Aperture:f 2.7
Shutter Speed:1/80
Focal Length:6.2mm
I again picked this picture because the stream goes out of the picture and it makes you sit there and think of where the stream may lead you. Maybe if there was brighter colors along the stream.
Aperture:f 2.7
Shutter Speed:1/40
Focal Length:6.2mm
This one I like because of the movement of the water and the colors of the leaves, and how the leaves aren't moving. 
Aperture:f 3.5
Shutter Speed:1/15
Focal Length:11.37
Look at all the different colors of yellow that are in just that one leaf. That's why I picked this one. It was just sitting on the bridge. I also liked the color of the bridge, it has some greens, blacks, and light browns in it.
Aperture:f 2.7
Shutter Speed:1/60
Focal Length:6.2mm

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Fall Nature

I loved how the white was on the pine comb, and all the contrast of colors. I cropped the picture so you focused more on the pine comb then any other object in the picture. I think if there was a bunch of pine combs in the picture it might have been better.
Aperture:f 5.6
Focal Length:55 mm
Shutter Speed:1/80
I picked this picture because of how the colors all flow well with each other. I like how the white on the tree is in focus and the green is't but you can still see the green in the picture and I think it brings contrast in the picture.
Aperture:f 5.6
Focal Length:51mm
Shutter Speed:1/80
The green with the white mushroom is a great contrast in colors and that is why I i chose this photo, I also like the fact that the mushroom is off to the right of the picture. I think maybe if there was another mushroom of a different color would make the picture amazing!
Aperture:f 5.6
Focal Length:51 mm
Shutter Speed:1/80
This log with mold on it was one of my favorites. I like the gray in the picture and how there is a great green background to make the gray pop! Maybe if there was a big bug or some sort of animal on the log it would have been great.
Aperture:f 4.5
Focal Length:37 mm
Shutter Speed:1/60