Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Urban Decay

I picked this photo because of the detail that is in the window. I think maybe if i could get more of the wall with it! 
Aperture: f 2.8
Shutter Speed:1/6
Focal Length:4.6 mm
I like how I have most of this building in the photograph. I think if I got a different angle on the photo, maybe straight on could have looked better. 
Aperture:f 2.8
Shutter Speed:1/30
Focal Length:4.6 mm
With this picture I really liked the rust that was on the window. The only thing I did was boosted some of the red and yellows in Photoshop. I also cropped it so it would be manly on the  window.
Aperture: f 4.5
Shutter Speed:1/30
Focal Length:20.8 mm
I really like the texture that was present in this photo. I cropped it and changed it to black and white and I also up the contrast in the photo.
Aperture:f 5.4
Shutter Speed:1/6
Focal Length:4.6 mm

I cropped this photo and again boosted the yellow and reds, so the rust would pop more. I also boosted the color on the spray thing handle so that all the colors would stand out.
Aperture:f 4.5
Shutter Speed:1/30
Focal Length:6.6 mm

I again cropped this photo so it was closer to just the door and part of the wall. I boosted the yellows and blues in the picture. I really like the blue color of the door along with the yellow of the wall.
Aperture:f 4.5
Shutter Speed:1/30
Focal Length:16.9 mm


Here are some extras!!!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Best of Final!

This is the last best of for this year !!
Aperture:f 2.8
Shutter Speed:1/7
Focal Length: 5.2 mm
Aperture:f 3.2
Shutter Speed:1/30
Focal Length: 9.2 mm

Aperture:f 3.5
Shutter Speed:1/30
Focal Length: 9.2 mm

Aperture:f 3.5
Shutter Speed:1/30
Focal Length:11.8
Aperture:f 2.8
Shutter Speed:1/6
Focal Length: 4.6 mm

Friday, January 11, 2013

Photoshopped Portrait!

In class we took our self portraits and put a grid onto the portrait and then we had to select the squares and change them using the photo-shop tools. This was a very fun assignment!!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

It's all about ME!!

Another portrait we had to do was a self. I took this pictures right after a shower so my hair is wet. I liked it in black and white and just the plan color one so I put both up. I think the close up with just my face worked really well. I really didn't have a background in this photo.
Aperture:f 2.8
Shutter Speed:1/7
Focal Length:5.2 mm

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

My Mother!

For an assignment we had to a portrait of someone and it had to represent them, I picked my mother because she drinks coffee all the time! She didn't really like the fact that I was taking her picture, so they are all close ups of her hand with the cup.
I really do not have a background. I think I liked the fact that it is up close and nothing else matters. It captured my mothers personality because there isn't really a day she doesn't have a couple pots of coffee. I would maybe try to get more of my mom in it.
Aperture:f 3.2
Focal Length:8.2 mm
Shutter Speed:1/7

This photograph was taken at a different angle and a different side of the coffee and my mother. agin there isn't really a background, but you can see my mother behind the coffee cup. I really think the angle worked well in this photo. Again it really does represent her and her personality. 
Aperture:f 3.2
Focal Length:8.2 mm
Shutter Speed:1/7

Sunday, January 6, 2013


In the assignment we had to take pictures and make an alphabet, Mines a little late but its's finally up!! 

Friday, January 4, 2013

A Day With Santa Claus

This is just a post that was taken during break when my mother and I took my niece and nephew so see Santa Claus in town!