Tuesday, September 25, 2012

PhotoShop Elements

With this picture we had to cut out the image and then paste it to a plain colored background. I pick this picture because it had a mostly plain background so it wouldn't be to difficult to cut the picture out.
Aperture:f 3.5
Focal Length:18mm
Shutter Speed: 1/320
In the first picture to the second, you can see that the coach is gone from the first one but is in the second. I pick this picture because I thought that you could focus more on the player then on the coach in the picture also. I used the clone tool to delete the coach. 
Shutter Speed:1/320
Aperture:f 3.5
Focal Length:23mm

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Change of Seasons

We had a class assignment for Seasons Change. For me, when Seasons Change it's not just the outside, it's also the sports seasons. I pick this photograph because it represents a sport that I love, and it is and important part of the sport. I love the fact that you see the net very clearly, the it fades to more blurry. I do not like that fact that there are people in the background.
Shutter Speed: 1/60
Aperture: f 4.5
Focal Length:37 mm
Flash: no
Another Season Change is from Summer to Fall! I took this picture because I like the colors and the wet looking background. I think that the leaf and the background go good with each other. One thing I would change was to maybe get a brighter leaf in the picture.
Shutter Speed: 1/100
Aperture:f 5.0
Focal Length: 40 mm
Flash: No
For my second leaf picture I pick this one because I like the fact that you can see the beautiful green background, but you are more focused on the red leaves. I would like it if there were different colors in the leaves.
Shutter Speed: 160
Aperture: f 5.0
ISO: 39mm
Focal Length:250
Flash: No
I pick this photograph because I like the way that her body is curved and how she is hitting the ball. If I  could I would change it so the background would be more blurry, so she sticks out more then the fans in the background.
Shutter Speed:1/250
Aperture: f 5.6
ISO: 55mm
Focal Length:3200
Flash: No
I picked this one also for the shape her body is in, and how it curves around the coach and you can see both of them. Again I wish that the background was different.
Shutter Speed:1/400
Aperture: f 4.0
ISO:28 mm
Focal Length:2000
Flash: NO
This one I like how the one half of the leaf wis green and the other is dead. I made the green and yellow show more and gave less color to the background.
Shutter Speed: 1/80
Aperture: f 5.0
ISO:45 mm
Focal Length: 250
Flash: No

Friday, September 14, 2012

Beautiful World

Just walking out the door of my house, I get t o see something beautiful. This is in the morning time. I can't wait to see this landscape in the fall with all of its color!
Shutter Speed:1/125
Aperture: 10.0
Focal Length: 35mm
In this picture you get to see the new green background along with the interesting old tree.
Shutter Speed:1/80
Focal Length:49 mm
This time you get to see some white flowers along with green leaves and others are done for the year and are dried out and brown.
Shutter Speed:1/80
Focal Length:55 mm

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Outside World.

We had an open theme assignment for the fist one of the year. We got to know our own camera. I picked the one of the old barn because I think it is a beautiful. I wish the electric line was not in the picture.

There are many different layers in this picture, you have the road, the field and the sky. I liked this picture because it is of nature. The fact that I could not walk up to the field to get different angles of the field. 
This is one of my favorites, I like the color and the lone tree off to the side makes the photo "pop"! I wish there could have been more going on in the picture.